About the


What we are

King Fü Carrots are a 4 piece cover/jam band that started in 2023. Since the two original members, Travis Moore, and Wesley Meyer started, they have written 3 complete albums (although studio time will come later), performed 4 big shows, and are now making their way up the ‘cover band food chain’ as they film it all on the KFC show.

How we started

One afternoon in late 2023, Travis and Wes both went to Twin Oaks (the old practice pad) to practice songs for Blue Dirt Road (the bigger cover band). Travis decided to take a bass drum and an old snare, and rig up a drumset that he could play with his feet, so he can do drums and guitar at the same time. Well, Wes and Travis started learning songs, and playing everyday, when one day they showed up, and Travis said to Wes; “I know a guy that can play the Free Bird solo on Saxophone.” Well, that day the King Fü Carrots were born.

An old video of KFC before drums, and Aiden. The video currently sits at 6.3k views.

Another pretty old video with Wes on bass and Travis playing both guitar and drums

Before we even had Aiden we played outside of Juba’s on Halloween