


Welcome to the Castle of Carrots

The King Fü Carrots are a 4-piece band, straight from the grocery store in Blue Earth, Minnesota.

We will play anything you want, from The Beatles, to Blue Öyster Cult, to some random stuff you’ve never even heard before, to stuff you’ve heard a million times before, to Michael Jackson, to 13-minute jams and… a ton more.

One thing we are NOT is perfect, and lots of cover bands nowadays try and be, and that takes away the magical experience of seeing a live show. When you enter the Castle of Carrots, you’ll be witnessing four best friends playing their favorite music. I mean, isn’t that basically what all successful bands are? 

And finally, we are a fairly new band. Two of us are in Blue Dirt road, and only one of us is booking gigs (and it’s the bassist), so we don’t play in public that much, but we’re hoping that’ll change
! Feel free to contact us if you want to hear us.


Lots of questions that people have asked and we’re tired of saying the same thing so we put them all here

  • One day at school Jack was hungry. He opened his Chromebook, and went to his email to check what was for lunch that Tuesday and he saw… Kung Fü Carrots! He showed it to me, and we thought, “Dang, that would make a great band name.” After the school day, Travis and Wes got together at our old band room, Twin Oaks. Travis told Wes that Kung Fü Carrots would be a good name for our band, and we stuck with it. Before we made Instagram, Facebook, etc. accounts for ourselves, we made a YouTube channel for our original songs. We misspelled “Kung” and put “King” on accident, and the King Fü Carrots were born. Since then, Jack became our drummer, and Aiden became our lead singer.

  • Travis and Wes have been playing together since early 2023, Jack’s been apart of it since late 2023, and Aiden joined in late 2024.

  • Obviously KFC. No doubt about it

  • Juba’s is a grocery store in downtown Blue Earth. That is also where our band room is, not even kidding. Absolutely insane how God does things.

  • We’re a new band, so we’ve played 4 gigs. Wes’s graduation party, the BEAHS fair, BEAHS varsity basketball game, and the Halloween show outside of Juba’s. More shows are coming soon guys, don’t worry.

  • Wes is 19, Aiden is 18, Jack is 15, and Travis is 15. Despite our age, we’re not a bunch of neophytes when it comes to music. Wes and Travis are professional musicians in Blue Dirt Road, Aiden has been singing/performing since who knows when, and Jack has been Jacking ever since he could.

  • Noodles is Travis’s obese tabby feline. Travis loves Noodles.

  • Originals are where we are going to make our millions. Wes and Travis have written 3 complete albums; Synesthesia, Castle of Carrots, and The…Show. If you ever see us perform live, you’ll hear us play a couple of them.

  • Castle of Carrots is the world of King Fü Carrots. Most other bands don’t open the gateway to a new world at their shows, but we do, only if you let yourself in.

  • Wes is the bassist for BDR, and Travis is the lead guitarist. BDR has played in Nashville, the Minnesota State Fair, KEYC in Mankato, etc. Fun fact, Aiden actually tried out to be the singer for Blue Dirt Road, and was THIS close to being it, until Izzy Munsch came along…

  • We practice every week in Blue Earth. Jack and Travis are from somewhere down in the ‘ol Guckeen area, and Wes and Aiden are somewhere up in the toolies in Winnebago.

  • Blue is Travis’s blue Ibanez hallow body guitar, and Pinky is Wes’s pink Squire J-bass. Together they are Blue and Pinky. Fun fact, Wes and Travis played a show together where they wore blue and pink ties to match Blue and Pinky.

  • Ok, so, we found this old 2002 SONY compact disc camera in Travis’s basement underneath his vintage printer collection, and brought it to the studio one day. We thought it would be funny to record everything, the shows, and rehearsals, and put them up for people so see, and call it the KFC show.

  • Reginald is the name of the King Fü Carrots mascot. He is an angry carrot with a black belt holding drumsticks and wearing a crown. Bro came straight from Canva.

  • I thought we already said! Wes is the red head bass player, Aiden is the handsome lead singer, Jack is the drummer who loves drumming on his drums, especially when we’re tuning, and Travis is the guitar player who has one guitar for every time he stares deeply into the eyes of a loved one, only to be shut out once again because life is cruel, but at least he has guitars to soothe his aching pains. Just kidding. He has one guitar for every time he gets constipated.

  • oh. In that case, Aiden and Jack are the kings, because they are such epic gigachads, Travis is the Fü, because it means “good luck” in Chinese. Doesn’t really correlate with Travis though, because he averaged 3 falls down the big flight of stairs every day. And finally, Wes is the carrot, because he’s the red head, and without him, none of our nonsense makes sense. Think of it this way; Wes is the Kumbay, and everyone else is the Ah. Together, we make Kumbaya.

  • Ok, one day Wes walked into the Juba’s gas station and bought a pony keg of 1919 root beer. We loved that stuff a lot, so we came back the next Monday and bought more. Well, we’ve basically started a biweekly tradition, where every Monday Wes goes and buys a pony keg of 1919 root beer. He’s even made friends with the cashier from doing it. By now, we’re onto our 8th pony keg, and we have a big stack of ‘em in the corner of our practice pad.

  • Travis: “Oh, I’d have to go with either ‘The Starry Night’, or ‘The Flatterers’, they’re both masterpieces. The Flatterers is such a masterpiece though, I’m going with that one.”

    Aiden: “Le Chat Blanc by Pierre Bonnard. This long, majestic beast is a window looking into the depths of my soul, he knows my ins and outs and I know his.”

    Wes: “The Ambassadors by Has Holbein, no clue how he got that skill in there.”

    Jack: “The cover art for Weezer’s Blue Album.”

  • The moon. And when we reach it, the stars. And when we reach the stars, we’ll be there waiting for everyone else. To catch up behind us.

  • Danger Zone is the band that Travis is in with his sister and cousin. They are mainly instrumental, and based out of South Dakota. Fun fact, last summer Danger Zone recorded a song called S.O.S. in Aberdeen, SD. Pretty walnuts, dude.

  • Bro. I thought we discussed this. Walnuts means Walnuts, and we can use it instead of saying “Sweet, bro”, or “Cool.” Just say walnuts.